Skier Recognition Promo Drivers
There's more than actual water skiers to recognize. It's the "behind the scenes" people that make tournaments, ski events, clinics and ski lakes operate. This week, it's the "promo boat" persons that get some accolades. For the past 20 years, Brian Detty has been involved with the promo programs. Brian probably got started when he was a member at Fairland Ski Club and has continued to present day as an owner out at Hawthorn Lake near Danville. Brian states that this will be his 21st year associated with Correct Craft/Nautique boats as a promo person. Also a current Promo person is Neal Clark, who's home lakes are Silent Shores and Boondocks Lake. Neal has been a Mastercraft Promo person for approximately the past 10 years. These two fellows sacrifice their time to drag and offer their boats nearly every weekend to central Indiana tournaments and during the summers. Another current Promo boat person is Kent Hoops, who lives at Heritage Lake and plays at Kodiak Lake with his family. We see his Mastercraft at several events each summer. Don't forget Sam Schmitt down at Timberlake. I'm guessing he's been serving time with Mastercraft as long as Brian has been with Nautique! The promo program used to be more rewarding from the manufacturers but times have changed and participating in the promo program is certainly not a lucrative's love and passion for the sport. Our appreciation to all of these fellows and their families for supporting the Indiana Water Ski scene. Some past people involved in the promo programs over the years include; Ray Huber, Clark Smith, Darryl Harrison & Nancy Harrison, Randy Sharkey, Mike Patterson, Dave Jarrett, and Chris Susot. (I'm sure I've left someone out!)
*Please be reminded that we are looking for additional skier recognition nominees. We hope to keep this thread continuing through the winter months.
Dave Jarrett
There's more than actual water skiers to recognize. It's the "behind the scenes" people that make tournaments, ski events, clinics and ski lakes operate. This week, it's the "promo boat" persons that get some accolades. For the past 20 years, Brian Detty has been involved with the promo programs. Brian probably got started when he was a member at Fairland Ski Club and has continued to present day as an owner out at Hawthorn Lake near Danville. Brian states that this will be his 21st year associated with Correct Craft/Nautique boats as a promo person. Also a current Promo person is Neal Clark, who's home lakes are Silent Shores and Boondocks Lake. Neal has been a Mastercraft Promo person for approximately the past 10 years. These two fellows sacrifice their time to drag and offer their boats nearly every weekend to central Indiana tournaments and during the summers. Another current Promo boat person is Kent Hoops, who lives at Heritage Lake and plays at Kodiak Lake with his family. We see his Mastercraft at several events each summer. Don't forget Sam Schmitt down at Timberlake. I'm guessing he's been serving time with Mastercraft as long as Brian has been with Nautique! The promo program used to be more rewarding from the manufacturers but times have changed and participating in the promo program is certainly not a lucrative's love and passion for the sport. Our appreciation to all of these fellows and their families for supporting the Indiana Water Ski scene. Some past people involved in the promo programs over the years include; Ray Huber, Clark Smith, Darryl Harrison & Nancy Harrison, Randy Sharkey, Mike Patterson, Dave Jarrett, and Chris Susot. (I'm sure I've left someone out!)
*Please be reminded that we are looking for additional skier recognition nominees. We hope to keep this thread continuing through the winter months.
Dave Jarrett
Skier Recognition Patterson's
This week, we're shining the spotlight on IWSA's MVPs, (Most Valuable Pattersons). I'm referring, of course, to Mike and Patty Patterson, IWSA's version of a "power couple!" If you attend almost any IWSA tournament, you've undoubtedly seen these two working hard and making sure things run smoothly.
Well, you've seen Mike at least, Patty may be in an "undisclosed location" doing her thing as chief scorer, but you've heard her voice over the radios confirming scores and the next pass. Mike and Patty have devoted most of their summer weekends working IWSA ski tournaments for decades. I truly don't know what we'd do without them!
Let's highlight their credentials: Mike is a Senior Judge and Senior Driver for all three events. He is also a PanAm Slalom Judge. He often serves as Chief Judge or Chief Driver for our tournaments. Patty's list of credentials include Senior Scorer for all three events, Senior Slalom Judge, Regular Judge for tricks and jump, as well as a Trained Driver. She serves as Chief Scorer at most Indiana tournaments. They both are past recipients of the prestigious Rollie Williams Award, presented to outstanding members of IWSA. They are also co-developers of one of our great tournament sites.....Silent Shores near Thorntown, Indiana.
Mike and Patty also find time to break away from their duties during tournaments to strap on their skis and compete, Mike in slalom and Patty as a trick specialist, breaking the state record in Women 7 tricks at this year's Indiana State Championships! Mike and Patty, IWSA thanks you for your dedication to our organization, and our sport. You have certainly earned the title of MVPs!
Kim Contos
This week, we're shining the spotlight on IWSA's MVPs, (Most Valuable Pattersons). I'm referring, of course, to Mike and Patty Patterson, IWSA's version of a "power couple!" If you attend almost any IWSA tournament, you've undoubtedly seen these two working hard and making sure things run smoothly.
Well, you've seen Mike at least, Patty may be in an "undisclosed location" doing her thing as chief scorer, but you've heard her voice over the radios confirming scores and the next pass. Mike and Patty have devoted most of their summer weekends working IWSA ski tournaments for decades. I truly don't know what we'd do without them!
Let's highlight their credentials: Mike is a Senior Judge and Senior Driver for all three events. He is also a PanAm Slalom Judge. He often serves as Chief Judge or Chief Driver for our tournaments. Patty's list of credentials include Senior Scorer for all three events, Senior Slalom Judge, Regular Judge for tricks and jump, as well as a Trained Driver. She serves as Chief Scorer at most Indiana tournaments. They both are past recipients of the prestigious Rollie Williams Award, presented to outstanding members of IWSA. They are also co-developers of one of our great tournament sites.....Silent Shores near Thorntown, Indiana.
Mike and Patty also find time to break away from their duties during tournaments to strap on their skis and compete, Mike in slalom and Patty as a trick specialist, breaking the state record in Women 7 tricks at this year's Indiana State Championships! Mike and Patty, IWSA thanks you for your dedication to our organization, and our sport. You have certainly earned the title of MVPs!
Kim Contos
The Ski Before Christmas
Chris Ault-Waterski Hub
from my dusty old archives. Author unknown (not me).
The Ski Before Christmas
T'was the day before Christmas, and all 'cross the pond
Not a ski boat was growling, except for my Echelon
With me in my drysuit, and Ma in her teddy
She said "It's too cold! Hurry up and get ready"
One thought had occurred as I slid in the water
It's too bad we couldn't have brought out a spotter
Then just 'cross the pond I had heard such a splash
and the rollers that followed, I thought a plane crashed
When what to my wondering eyes should appear
But a red Nautique with eight tiny reindeer
And there in the back was old St. Nick himself
In a drysuit of red, a right jolly old elf
I said to Ma "Look! It's him! There on the transom!"
"Ooo! " She said "He's quite handsome!"
So I started it up, my new Malibu
And idled up beside the course for a good view
A thought came to mind, as I watched wide awake
With eight reindeer aboard, what a wake they would make
I thought he might wakeboard, as he stood on the deck
But, he pulled out a slalom, a new VTX
With one reindeer driving, and one as the spotter
Several in the bow seat, one had a hoof in the water
Two laid 'cross the back, you could just see an ear
There couldn't have been too much room for the gear
Ol' Santa, he shot us a nod and a wink
As he slid off the platform and into the drink
He yelled "Spark it up, Donner, then take up the line!"
"Watch your speed, hold it steady, and you'll do just fine."
I felt a chill as I watched his Nautique spark to life
When he finally yelled "Hit it!" I clung to my wife
The rope twenty-eight off, the speed Thirty-four,
He must have made at least six passes or more
And on his last pass, he just kept on going
The Nautique started to fly, I guess customized from Boeing
And I heard him exclaim as the boat started to fly
"Merry Christmas to all, and be sure to winterize!"
Chris Ault-Waterski Hub
from my dusty old archives. Author unknown (not me).
The Ski Before Christmas
T'was the day before Christmas, and all 'cross the pond
Not a ski boat was growling, except for my Echelon
With me in my drysuit, and Ma in her teddy
She said "It's too cold! Hurry up and get ready"
One thought had occurred as I slid in the water
It's too bad we couldn't have brought out a spotter
Then just 'cross the pond I had heard such a splash
and the rollers that followed, I thought a plane crashed
When what to my wondering eyes should appear
But a red Nautique with eight tiny reindeer
And there in the back was old St. Nick himself
In a drysuit of red, a right jolly old elf
I said to Ma "Look! It's him! There on the transom!"
"Ooo! " She said "He's quite handsome!"
So I started it up, my new Malibu
And idled up beside the course for a good view
A thought came to mind, as I watched wide awake
With eight reindeer aboard, what a wake they would make
I thought he might wakeboard, as he stood on the deck
But, he pulled out a slalom, a new VTX
With one reindeer driving, and one as the spotter
Several in the bow seat, one had a hoof in the water
Two laid 'cross the back, you could just see an ear
There couldn't have been too much room for the gear
Ol' Santa, he shot us a nod and a wink
As he slid off the platform and into the drink
He yelled "Spark it up, Donner, then take up the line!"
"Watch your speed, hold it steady, and you'll do just fine."
I felt a chill as I watched his Nautique spark to life
When he finally yelled "Hit it!" I clung to my wife
The rope twenty-eight off, the speed Thirty-four,
He must have made at least six passes or more
And on his last pass, he just kept on going
The Nautique started to fly, I guess customized from Boeing
And I heard him exclaim as the boat started to fly
"Merry Christmas to all, and be sure to winterize!"
Skier Recognition Julie Mishler
Of course, we won't forget that there is another Mishler in the picture!
Julie Mishler has been a consistent competitor in water ski tournaments and has held her own, stepping out of the shadow of big sister, Alexis! Take a look at this list of achievements in just this past season:
2020 Indiana State Girls 3 Slalom Champion
2020 MW Regional Trick Champion
2020 Midwest Junior Elite Team
2020 National Midwest All-Star Team
2020 National's Girls 3 Slalom 2nd, Trick 2nd, and Overall 3rd place
2020 USA National Junior Development Team
Wow! I can remember early in her water skiing career, she was skiing at the Sawmill Lake Fall Record. She crashed going around 6 ball and somehow fell ahead of her ski and then the ski came up behind her and hit her in the head. There were a few tears but if my memory serves me right, she was out skiing in the next round. We will be looking forward to Julie water skiing up a storm in 2021.
Dave Jarrett
Of course, we won't forget that there is another Mishler in the picture!
Julie Mishler has been a consistent competitor in water ski tournaments and has held her own, stepping out of the shadow of big sister, Alexis! Take a look at this list of achievements in just this past season:
2020 Indiana State Girls 3 Slalom Champion
2020 MW Regional Trick Champion
2020 Midwest Junior Elite Team
2020 National Midwest All-Star Team
2020 National's Girls 3 Slalom 2nd, Trick 2nd, and Overall 3rd place
2020 USA National Junior Development Team
Wow! I can remember early in her water skiing career, she was skiing at the Sawmill Lake Fall Record. She crashed going around 6 ball and somehow fell ahead of her ski and then the ski came up behind her and hit her in the head. There were a few tears but if my memory serves me right, she was out skiing in the next round. We will be looking forward to Julie water skiing up a storm in 2021.
Dave Jarrett
Skier Recognition Alexis Mishler
It gives me great personal pleasure to see that Alexis Mishler was nominated for one of the water skier recognition articles. I can remember just a few years ago, at the last minute, the Mishler's registered their girls for the Indiana State Championships being held at Hawthorn Lake near Danville. My! They have come a long way since then! In 2020, Alexis was a qualifier for the Junior US Open U17 Slalom event. She was the 2020 Indiana State Slalom, Trick, & Overall Champion. Attending the 2020 Midwest Regionals, she won the Slalom event, placed 4th in Trick, and placed 3rd in Overall. At the 2020 Nationals, she placed 3rd in slalom. Alexis has also been invited to be part of the 2020 USA Junior Development Team and the 2020 Midwest Junior Elite Team. Alexis is a straight A student/athlete at Wawasee High School and a top member of the swim team.
Dave Jarrett
It gives me great personal pleasure to see that Alexis Mishler was nominated for one of the water skier recognition articles. I can remember just a few years ago, at the last minute, the Mishler's registered their girls for the Indiana State Championships being held at Hawthorn Lake near Danville. My! They have come a long way since then! In 2020, Alexis was a qualifier for the Junior US Open U17 Slalom event. She was the 2020 Indiana State Slalom, Trick, & Overall Champion. Attending the 2020 Midwest Regionals, she won the Slalom event, placed 4th in Trick, and placed 3rd in Overall. At the 2020 Nationals, she placed 3rd in slalom. Alexis has also been invited to be part of the 2020 USA Junior Development Team and the 2020 Midwest Junior Elite Team. Alexis is a straight A student/athlete at Wawasee High School and a top member of the swim team.
Dave Jarrett
2021 Boat, Sport & Travel Show Cancelled
News reached the public yesterday concerning the decades long Indianapolis Boat Sport and Travel show scheduled for February, 2021. The show has been cancelled due to issues with the Corona Virus / Covid 19. This show began in the 1950's and continued without interruption for approximately 70 years. Further research reveals that all of the mid western boat shows have been cancelled......Cincinnati, Chicago, Louisville, etc. This event will be sadly missed as it was a magnet for groups of friends to gather and meet, to dream/look forward to the coming spring and boating, fishing, water sports weather, etc.
Looking forward to a Covid 19 free world!
News reached the public yesterday concerning the decades long Indianapolis Boat Sport and Travel show scheduled for February, 2021. The show has been cancelled due to issues with the Corona Virus / Covid 19. This show began in the 1950's and continued without interruption for approximately 70 years. Further research reveals that all of the mid western boat shows have been cancelled......Cincinnati, Chicago, Louisville, etc. This event will be sadly missed as it was a magnet for groups of friends to gather and meet, to dream/look forward to the coming spring and boating, fishing, water sports weather, etc.
Looking forward to a Covid 19 free world!
Cross Family Skier Recognition
Perseverance........the Cross boys will NOT give up.
While this year has not been an easy one, the Cross family have definitely had their share of hurdles to overcome.
It honestly started as a pretty decent season and Son Charlie found himself skiing into his seeding of 2nd place at the Midwest Regional Tournament. They traveled to LA for Nationals with high hopes of a decent placement for Charlie, to find that coming to a quick halt when he missed the gates of his first pass. He held his head high like a man, came home ready to prepare for the next year, quickly making passes at 36 mph. Two days later, that came to a screeching halt when Dad Jeff had a freak accident, resulting in a rare, very serious injury and surgery. Knowing he had a tournament coming up that he was leading, Charlie was determined to make it happen and make it great. 7 days later, he found himself being pulled out of the water with a pretty serious injury too, resulting in surgery and a quick end to his season, as well. It didn't stop either skier. They both were determined to fulfill their commitment to their lake and broader ski community and found a way, with some help, to finish preparing for and hosting a record tournament, resulting in 2 records. Both have continued to rehab and prepare themselves for next ski season. Let us not overlook the influence of a strong, supportive wife and Mom, Jill and the support from the Champion Lake community.
Cross Family Strong!
Perseverance........the Cross boys will NOT give up.
While this year has not been an easy one, the Cross family have definitely had their share of hurdles to overcome.
It honestly started as a pretty decent season and Son Charlie found himself skiing into his seeding of 2nd place at the Midwest Regional Tournament. They traveled to LA for Nationals with high hopes of a decent placement for Charlie, to find that coming to a quick halt when he missed the gates of his first pass. He held his head high like a man, came home ready to prepare for the next year, quickly making passes at 36 mph. Two days later, that came to a screeching halt when Dad Jeff had a freak accident, resulting in a rare, very serious injury and surgery. Knowing he had a tournament coming up that he was leading, Charlie was determined to make it happen and make it great. 7 days later, he found himself being pulled out of the water with a pretty serious injury too, resulting in surgery and a quick end to his season, as well. It didn't stop either skier. They both were determined to fulfill their commitment to their lake and broader ski community and found a way, with some help, to finish preparing for and hosting a record tournament, resulting in 2 records. Both have continued to rehab and prepare themselves for next ski season. Let us not overlook the influence of a strong, supportive wife and Mom, Jill and the support from the Champion Lake community.
Cross Family Strong!
Happy Thanksgiving
We would like to wish our IWSA Family and a safe and very Happy Thanksgiving!
We would like to wish our IWSA Family and a safe and very Happy Thanksgiving!
Hudson McCollough Skier Recognition
The latest in Indiana Water Skier Recognition follows. I hope this one puts a smile on everyone's face when reading!
This week's featured water skier is Hudson McCullough. Hudson started his passion for skiing at the tender age of 9 months on a Zip Sled in the Heritage Lake Ski Parade! Skiing on 2 skis was accomplished at 3 years and on a slalom at 5 years! He started competing on the slalom course at 6 and skied his first tournament at his home site Kodiak Lake. Hudson skied in the 2020 Indiana State Championships held at Hawthorn Lake and, I believe the September Champion Lake event. Hudson has many fans and one of his many highlights included being taught to barefoot by Cale Burdick and Nate Smith. Hudson enjoys baseball when he is not on the water. Keep skiing Hudson!
The latest in Indiana Water Skier Recognition follows. I hope this one puts a smile on everyone's face when reading!
This week's featured water skier is Hudson McCullough. Hudson started his passion for skiing at the tender age of 9 months on a Zip Sled in the Heritage Lake Ski Parade! Skiing on 2 skis was accomplished at 3 years and on a slalom at 5 years! He started competing on the slalom course at 6 and skied his first tournament at his home site Kodiak Lake. Hudson skied in the 2020 Indiana State Championships held at Hawthorn Lake and, I believe the September Champion Lake event. Hudson has many fans and one of his many highlights included being taught to barefoot by Cale Burdick and Nate Smith. Hudson enjoys baseball when he is not on the water. Keep skiing Hudson!
Samantha Hoops Recognition
This week's IWSA Water Skier Recognition award goes to Samantha Hoops. Samantha completed a noteworthy 2020 experience. Samantha has skied in the Indiana State Tournaments since she was 8 years old! The 2020 Indiana State tournament, although unique, was one she is very proud of. She earned 1st in jump, 1st in trick, 2nd in slalom, and 1st overall. She also set the state overall record for girls 3. At the Mastercraft Midwest Regionals, she placed 2nd in jump, 2nd in tricks, 2nd in slalom, and 1st Overall. At the Goode Waterski Nationals in Louisiana, she placed 2nd in jump, 3rd in trick, 3rd in slalom, and 2nd Overall. In her spare time, she is quite proficient on the baseball field! Her favorite places to ski are Hawthorne Lake, Kodiak Lake, and at her home on Heritage Lake. Congratulations Samantha! To all you interested parties out there......keep the skier recognition nominations coming! It's my goal to publish one article per week. Dave Jarrett |
2020 IWSA Annual Membership Meeting Info
Don Bucher Recognition
The second on our series of Water Skier Recognition sponsored by IWSA. We hope you enjoy.
Remember to send in information for your favorite IWSA water skier, worker, fan!
A most deserving candidate for recognition is Don Bucher. Don is the biggest supporter for the Sport of Waterskiing. He shares his love for the sport even when he is injured right before the big tournaments and unable to ski. He still travels miles to cheer his Indiana skiers on. Of course, he has to follow his grand children but is a supporter for all of our Indiana skiers. He is always the first person to volunteer to judge or work any event or tournament possible. Even when he is off the water, he is cheering each and everyone hoping they do their best! He truly loves sharing his passion for the sport. If you even say the word waterskiing to Don, he will talk hours with you about the sport!
The second on our series of Water Skier Recognition sponsored by IWSA. We hope you enjoy.
Remember to send in information for your favorite IWSA water skier, worker, fan!
A most deserving candidate for recognition is Don Bucher. Don is the biggest supporter for the Sport of Waterskiing. He shares his love for the sport even when he is injured right before the big tournaments and unable to ski. He still travels miles to cheer his Indiana skiers on. Of course, he has to follow his grand children but is a supporter for all of our Indiana skiers. He is always the first person to volunteer to judge or work any event or tournament possible. Even when he is off the water, he is cheering each and everyone hoping they do their best! He truly loves sharing his passion for the sport. If you even say the word waterskiing to Don, he will talk hours with you about the sport!
Jenna Gilbert Recognition
We are pleased to report that we are beginning to receive replies to our IWSA Members Recognition request sent out last week. Keep 'em coming folks. We look forward to publishing interest articles about water skiers in Indiana! Our first candidate is Jenna Gilbert from Ft. Wayne. Due to pharmacy residencies in Kansas City and Lexington KY, Jenna was essentially out of skiing in 2016 and 2017, and much of 2018. It was only last year that Jenna started hitting it again. But with a new job (with lots of hours) at Parkview Health Systems taking up a lot of her time, 2019 was more of a "recreational" skiing year for Jenna than a "competitive" one. Then, 2020 hit. Jenna set her goals with much hard work to regain her former skiing-self. Jenna skied and skied, studied and studied (technique) and simply never gave up on her quest to get back to Nationals. And with a 3rd place finish at Nationals, did she ever! Dedication, perseverance, and a super work ethic paid off! Unfortunately, water skiing is a sport where a 2-3 year "pause" often means "it's over." Jenna could have worked anywhere in the US, but she elected to come back to Ft. Wayne because her passion for water skiing was still burning hot. We're confident that Jenna could be a future IWSA leader. We all hope Jenna will continue her passion for water skiing and become more involved with IWSA. |
Halloween Skiers
Indiana Halloween skiers enjoy the sunny day!
Shannon and friends on Raccoon Reservoir, Bryan and Dave on Cordry Lake, Mike and friends on Brewski Lake. Who said it’s time to winterize boats?!
Indiana Halloween skiers enjoy the sunny day!
Shannon and friends on Raccoon Reservoir, Bryan and Dave on Cordry Lake, Mike and friends on Brewski Lake. Who said it’s time to winterize boats?!
Happy Halloween!
Ok, You may have noticed there has not been any Blog posts since May of 2019.
There wasn't anybody available to keep the website updated and it fell behind, so, I am taking over now.
There may be a few trials I will need to overcome, but I'm going to try!!
Actually, I'm going to...SEE MORE
Ok, You may have noticed there has not been any Blog posts since May of 2019.
There wasn't anybody available to keep the website updated and it fell behind, so, I am taking over now.
There may be a few trials I will need to overcome, but I'm going to try!!
Actually, I'm going to...SEE MORE
October Skiing
The warm October weather this week brought out the water skiers around Indiana. They all added a layer of rubber to combat the cool water temperatures but that didn't keep some smiles from appearing on their faces! Even though the DNR pulled the plug on Raccoon Reservoir, it didn't keep Shannon Chapman from enjoying some smooth water. Casey and dad Kim Contos enjoyed a "no wind day" at Emerald Lake on Wednesday, October 21st. Dan Reed and some others went around the buoys at Brewski Lake on Thursday, October 22nd.
Keep skiing everyone!!!
The warm October weather this week brought out the water skiers around Indiana. They all added a layer of rubber to combat the cool water temperatures but that didn't keep some smiles from appearing on their faces! Even though the DNR pulled the plug on Raccoon Reservoir, it didn't keep Shannon Chapman from enjoying some smooth water. Casey and dad Kim Contos enjoyed a "no wind day" at Emerald Lake on Wednesday, October 21st. Dan Reed and some others went around the buoys at Brewski Lake on Thursday, October 22nd.
Keep skiing everyone!!!

2021 Adaptive Waterski Nationals
USA Adaptive Water Ski & Wake Sports is excited to announce the dates of the 2021 National Championships and Team Trials.
The tournament is to be held on July 14-17, 2021 at Twin Oaks Lakes in Paducah, Kentucky. The Kentucky Lake Ski Nuts have been gracious enough to offer.....SEE MORE
USA Adaptive Water Ski & Wake Sports is excited to announce the dates of the 2021 National Championships and Team Trials.
The tournament is to be held on July 14-17, 2021 at Twin Oaks Lakes in Paducah, Kentucky. The Kentucky Lake Ski Nuts have been gracious enough to offer.....SEE MORE
IWSA members, while we will not hold an awards banquet this year due to Covid-19 concerns, WE WILL hold our annual general membership meeting.
Please confirm intent to attend, as it may be necessary to limit attendance to one member per ski club or household, based on social distancing requirements.
Information on these to be given closer to the meeting to those interested. This meeting is when IWSA officers and Board are elected for 2021. This is also when next year’s tournament schedule is determined. The site for the 2021 State Championships will be announced, as this will be voted on at the board meeting, prior to the general meeting.
Please email IWSA President Kim Contos at: [email protected]
with your intent or interest in attending, either in person or virtually.
Thank you!
IWSA members, while we will not hold an awards banquet this year due to Covid-19 concerns, WE WILL hold our annual general membership meeting.
Please confirm intent to attend, as it may be necessary to limit attendance to one member per ski club or household, based on social distancing requirements.
Information on these to be given closer to the meeting to those interested. This meeting is when IWSA officers and Board are elected for 2021. This is also when next year’s tournament schedule is determined. The site for the 2021 State Championships will be announced, as this will be voted on at the board meeting, prior to the general meeting.
Please email IWSA President Kim Contos at: [email protected]
with your intent or interest in attending, either in person or virtually.
Thank you!
Request from IWSA President Kim Contos
IWSA Annual Meeting & Banquet
Greetings Indiana Water Skiers,
The summer events are over and skiers are starting to break out their neoprene. It’s been a year like no other, as we all continue to navigate the challenges of Covid-19, and it’s impact on our normal routine. Your IWSA Board is looking for your input. We must make plans for our annual general membership meeting, as this is where we elect our officers and board members, and schedule our tournaments and events for next season. Prior to the general meeting the board will select the host for our state tournament from submitted bids.
We have held an awards banquet following our general meeting for many years. Do we want to continue this tradition during this year’s environment? While we’re fortunate that all our other events occur outside, that’s not the case with this November event. We’re asking you to please take a few minutes to reply by answering the following questions.
Would you be comfortable attending?
A. A banquet style gathering (with meeting), of members and families?
B. A meeting (without awards), of only members (one per family)?
C. OK with either?
D. Wouldn’t attend either?
How far would you travel to attend? (We have an option to hold near Syracuse, and are exploring options in central Indiana.)
Date would be Saturday November 7, or Saturday November 14.
A. Would you attend on either these dates?
B. Only November 7?
C. Only November 14?
D. Neither?
Would time of day factor in to attending? (Evening event preceded by the meeting, vs a luncheon followed by awards and meeting.)
A. Time of day not a factor?
B. Only if luncheon with afternoon meeting?
C. Only if afternoon meeting followed by dinner and awards?
D. Wouldn’t attend regardless.
If the census is against an in-person gathering would you participate in a Zoom style meeting?
I look forward to receiving your responses by today Sunday, September 20.
Please email at: [email protected]
Kim Contos
IWSA President
IWSA Annual Meeting & Banquet
Greetings Indiana Water Skiers,
The summer events are over and skiers are starting to break out their neoprene. It’s been a year like no other, as we all continue to navigate the challenges of Covid-19, and it’s impact on our normal routine. Your IWSA Board is looking for your input. We must make plans for our annual general membership meeting, as this is where we elect our officers and board members, and schedule our tournaments and events for next season. Prior to the general meeting the board will select the host for our state tournament from submitted bids.
We have held an awards banquet following our general meeting for many years. Do we want to continue this tradition during this year’s environment? While we’re fortunate that all our other events occur outside, that’s not the case with this November event. We’re asking you to please take a few minutes to reply by answering the following questions.
Would you be comfortable attending?
A. A banquet style gathering (with meeting), of members and families?
B. A meeting (without awards), of only members (one per family)?
C. OK with either?
D. Wouldn’t attend either?
How far would you travel to attend? (We have an option to hold near Syracuse, and are exploring options in central Indiana.)
Date would be Saturday November 7, or Saturday November 14.
A. Would you attend on either these dates?
B. Only November 7?
C. Only November 14?
D. Neither?
Would time of day factor in to attending? (Evening event preceded by the meeting, vs a luncheon followed by awards and meeting.)
A. Time of day not a factor?
B. Only if luncheon with afternoon meeting?
C. Only if afternoon meeting followed by dinner and awards?
D. Wouldn’t attend regardless.
If the census is against an in-person gathering would you participate in a Zoom style meeting?
I look forward to receiving your responses by today Sunday, September 20.
Please email at: [email protected]
Kim Contos
IWSA President
Please, Please, Please!!
If you are a member of Indiana Water Ski Association, would you please take just a few seconds to send your email address to Prissy Edwards (IWSA Membership) at:
[email protected].
You can just put IWSA in the Subject line.
Thank you soooooo much for your time and please feel free to share!
If you are a member of Indiana Water Ski Association, would you please take just a few seconds to send your email address to Prissy Edwards (IWSA Membership) at:
[email protected].
You can just put IWSA in the Subject line.
Thank you soooooo much for your time and please feel free to share!
Champion Lake Wrap Up
The 2020 Indiana Water Ski Tournament season is officially done!
The weather gods were kind to Champion Lake, providing perfect water ski conditions on Sunday. The second record tournament of the weekend was sponsored by the Champion Lake skiers. It was a "full house" as this was the last chance to post some scores for the 2021 water ski season as it begins in the spring. World Record Holder and Champion Lake skier, Nate Smith, tied the National Mens 2 record held by Chris Parrish, with a score of 2 @ 43' off! Nate caught a flight home early Sunday morning from Charleston where he won the Malibu Open Pro event Saturday afternoon, so he could ski this tournament on his home site.
Steve Rafael from Texas broke the Mens 8 National Record that he currently co-holds, by three buoys, with a score of 2 @ 39' 1/2 off.
Both scores are subject to review and approval.
Team Shelbyville was represented by some special attire! The gallery of spectators was obvious around the lake.
Congratulations to all and "hats off" to Champion Lake and Indiana Water Skiing!
It's now time to think about the usual fall IWSA activities. A fall board meeting and possible fall awards are being discussed.
Text or email President Kim Contos with any ideas/suggestions. (765-623-1769), [email protected]
The 2020 Indiana Water Ski Tournament season is officially done!
The weather gods were kind to Champion Lake, providing perfect water ski conditions on Sunday. The second record tournament of the weekend was sponsored by the Champion Lake skiers. It was a "full house" as this was the last chance to post some scores for the 2021 water ski season as it begins in the spring. World Record Holder and Champion Lake skier, Nate Smith, tied the National Mens 2 record held by Chris Parrish, with a score of 2 @ 43' off! Nate caught a flight home early Sunday morning from Charleston where he won the Malibu Open Pro event Saturday afternoon, so he could ski this tournament on his home site.
Steve Rafael from Texas broke the Mens 8 National Record that he currently co-holds, by three buoys, with a score of 2 @ 39' 1/2 off.
Both scores are subject to review and approval.
Team Shelbyville was represented by some special attire! The gallery of spectators was obvious around the lake.
Congratulations to all and "hats off" to Champion Lake and Indiana Water Skiing!
It's now time to think about the usual fall IWSA activities. A fall board meeting and possible fall awards are being discussed.
Text or email President Kim Contos with any ideas/suggestions. (765-623-1769), [email protected]
Sawmill Wrap Up
There were lots of smiles this past Saturday at the Sawmill Lake Fall Record Tournament. Scott Tynan and the Sawmill crew must have had a direct line to the weather person! As always, the conditions were classic perfect all day! Cale Burdick, now from Michigan, got into 41' off. The Jones team from Kentucky also had some noteworthy performances. Reid Meinhart (Michigan) aged 13, ran 1.5 at 38' off at 36 mph today! (This youngster is amazing!) We also all enjoyed the "bantering" between host Scott Tynan and Chris Clark. The party ended with pulled pork barbecue dinners on the Jackson home waterfront. The final Indiana water ski tournament was Sunday, September 13th at Champion Lake, story and pictures coming.
There were lots of smiles this past Saturday at the Sawmill Lake Fall Record Tournament. Scott Tynan and the Sawmill crew must have had a direct line to the weather person! As always, the conditions were classic perfect all day! Cale Burdick, now from Michigan, got into 41' off. The Jones team from Kentucky also had some noteworthy performances. Reid Meinhart (Michigan) aged 13, ran 1.5 at 38' off at 36 mph today! (This youngster is amazing!) We also all enjoyed the "bantering" between host Scott Tynan and Chris Clark. The party ended with pulled pork barbecue dinners on the Jackson home waterfront. The final Indiana water ski tournament was Sunday, September 13th at Champion Lake, story and pictures coming.
Malibu Open Festival starts this Friday, September 11, live on The Water Ski Broadcast Company
Cindonway Shores Wrap Up
The annual Cindonway Shores Labor Day Tournament started off with overcast skies, cool temperatures, and some showers. No delays as the skiers braved and skied through the elements. About 2:00 in the afternoon, the sun appeared and so did the little kids swimming from the dock while slalom skiers started their second round. Troubles with the jump computer system didn't stop jumpers Prissy Edwards and Don Bucher showing the youngsters how to jump and water ski for fun! There were several "PBs" for many of the youngsters - some from Wisconsin and Michigan. And, of course, the famous "Peggy Bucher Lasagna" served at lunch time was enjoyed by all.
Final Tournaments for the 2020 season are scheduled for next weekend. Saturday, September 12th at Sawmill and Sunday September 13th at Champion Lake.
Silent Shores Wrap Up
Perfect water ski conditions prevailed at Silent Shores today. Water skiers from all over participated beginning at 8:00 AM this morning. Purdue University was probably the best represented group as several "youngsters" skied for the Purdue Team. The most mature skier was Roger Goings MA, (formally known as Men's 10), who is in the over 80 group! The Newton Team and the Lambert Team tied for most family members skiing. And how 'bout Casey Contos and Neal Clark both getting into 39' off! And then wind up the day with largest group of trick skiers ever! Accolades to Neal Clark, tournament director and the Patterson's for hosting a perfect day.
Next Indiana event will be at Cindonway Shores on Labor Day weekend
Perfect water ski conditions prevailed at Silent Shores today. Water skiers from all over participated beginning at 8:00 AM this morning. Purdue University was probably the best represented group as several "youngsters" skied for the Purdue Team. The most mature skier was Roger Goings MA, (formally known as Men's 10), who is in the over 80 group! The Newton Team and the Lambert Team tied for most family members skiing. And how 'bout Casey Contos and Neal Clark both getting into 39' off! And then wind up the day with largest group of trick skiers ever! Accolades to Neal Clark, tournament director and the Patterson's for hosting a perfect day.
Next Indiana event will be at Cindonway Shores on Labor Day weekend
2020 National Championships
22 Indiana skiers traveled to Zachary, Louisiana for the US Nationals last week bringing home a total 22 medals. National titles were won by Nate Smith in Open Men's Slalom, and Jill Smith in Women's 3 Tricks. Indiana skiers also on the podium, were Samantha Hoops, 2nd Girls 3 Jump and Overall, and 3rd in Girls 3 Slalom, and Tricks. Julie Mishler 3rd Overall in Girls 3 with 2nd place finishes in Slalom and Tricks. Alexis Mishler 3rd in Girls 4 Slalom. Megan Lambert and Jenna Gilbert finished 2nd and 3rd respectively, in Women's 2 Slalom. Michelle Bucher, Women's 3, placed 3rd Overall, with 2nd, 4th, and 5th place finishes in Jump, Slalom, and Tricks. Cheryl Schmitt placed 3rd in Women's 7 Tricks, Jump, and Overall, with a 4th in Slalom. Roger Goings was 2nd in Men's MA Slalom. Kim Contos was 5th in Men’s 6 Slalom.
While not on the podium this year, other skiers representing Indiana were Rhett Bucher, Jacob Bucher, Wyatt Bucher, Coltin Bucher, Joy Bucher, Charlie Cross, Hunter Smith, Jeff Cross, and Jim Ruthrauff.
Congratulations to all, for making Indiana proud!
22 Indiana skiers traveled to Zachary, Louisiana for the US Nationals last week bringing home a total 22 medals. National titles were won by Nate Smith in Open Men's Slalom, and Jill Smith in Women's 3 Tricks. Indiana skiers also on the podium, were Samantha Hoops, 2nd Girls 3 Jump and Overall, and 3rd in Girls 3 Slalom, and Tricks. Julie Mishler 3rd Overall in Girls 3 with 2nd place finishes in Slalom and Tricks. Alexis Mishler 3rd in Girls 4 Slalom. Megan Lambert and Jenna Gilbert finished 2nd and 3rd respectively, in Women's 2 Slalom. Michelle Bucher, Women's 3, placed 3rd Overall, with 2nd, 4th, and 5th place finishes in Jump, Slalom, and Tricks. Cheryl Schmitt placed 3rd in Women's 7 Tricks, Jump, and Overall, with a 4th in Slalom. Roger Goings was 2nd in Men's MA Slalom. Kim Contos was 5th in Men’s 6 Slalom.
While not on the podium this year, other skiers representing Indiana were Rhett Bucher, Jacob Bucher, Wyatt Bucher, Coltin Bucher, Joy Bucher, Charlie Cross, Hunter Smith, Jeff Cross, and Jim Ruthrauff.
Congratulations to all, for making Indiana proud!

IWSA Skiers at Nationals
A HUGE shout out wishing Indiana skiers good luck at Nationals starting tomorrow Tuesday, 8-3-2020 in Zachary, Louisiana.
Watch the action on the webcast.
A HUGE shout out wishing Indiana skiers good luck at Nationals starting tomorrow Tuesday, 8-3-2020 in Zachary, Louisiana.
Watch the action on the webcast.
Monday Night Ski League
Attention! Monday Night Ski League coming scheduled for Monday, August 10th at Boondocks Lake. The fun begins at 5:00 PM. We will have award winning Neal Clark driving and giving instruction. Fee is $10. Bring a drink and snack for picnicking at this beautiful site and enjoy the evening.
Attention! Monday Night Ski League coming scheduled for Monday, August 10th at Boondocks Lake. The fun begins at 5:00 PM. We will have award winning Neal Clark driving and giving instruction. Fee is $10. Bring a drink and snack for picnicking at this beautiful site and enjoy the evening.
Photos from 2020 Indiana Water Ski State Championships
IN Skiers 2020 Midwest Regional's Results
27 Indiana skiers made the trek last weekend to Center City, MInnesota for the Midwest Regional Water Ski Championships. Conditions were often challenging, between wind, and rain, and storm delays. Hoosier skiers winning titles, include Samantha Hoops, Girls 3 Overall, Julie Mishler, Girls 3 Tricks, Alexis Mishler, Girls 4 Slalom, Neal Clark, Men's 3 Slalom, Don Bucher, Men's 8 Jump and Overall, Roger Goings Men's MA Slalom, Nate Smith, Open Men's Slalom, Michelle Bucher, Women's 3 Slalom and Overall, and Jill Smith, Women's 3 Tricks.
Complete Results for Indiana skiers: Slalom Tricks Jump Overall
Rhett Bucher Boys 1 2 4 3
Jacob Bucher Boys 1 3 2 2
Wyatt Bucher. Boys 2 9 10 7 6
Charlie Cross. Boys 3 2
Coltin Bucher Boys 3 12 6 4 3
Hunter Smith Boys 5 7 4
Joy Bucher Girls 1 4 6 5
Samantha Hoops Girls 3 2 2 2 1
Julie Mishler Girls 3 12 1 7 6
Alexis Mishler. Girls 4 1 4 9 3
Jaceb Burnish Mens 1 22 9 13 14
Neal Clark Mens 3 1
Jim Ruthrauff Mens 4 5
Jeff Cross Mens 4 7
Shane Bucher Mens 4 16 8 4 3
Stephen Cecil Mens 5 6
Kim Contos Mens 6 3
Paul Manning Mens 7 2
Don Bucher Mens 8 3 3 1 1
Roger Goings Mens MA 1
Nate Smith Open Mens 1
Briant Detty Open Mens 5
Jenna Gilbert Womens 2 3
Michelle Bucher Womens 3 1 5 2 1
Shannon Chapman Womens 3 8 4
Jill Smith Womens 3 1
Cheryl Schmitt Womens 7 2 2 2 2
27 Indiana skiers made the trek last weekend to Center City, MInnesota for the Midwest Regional Water Ski Championships. Conditions were often challenging, between wind, and rain, and storm delays. Hoosier skiers winning titles, include Samantha Hoops, Girls 3 Overall, Julie Mishler, Girls 3 Tricks, Alexis Mishler, Girls 4 Slalom, Neal Clark, Men's 3 Slalom, Don Bucher, Men's 8 Jump and Overall, Roger Goings Men's MA Slalom, Nate Smith, Open Men's Slalom, Michelle Bucher, Women's 3 Slalom and Overall, and Jill Smith, Women's 3 Tricks.
Complete Results for Indiana skiers: Slalom Tricks Jump Overall
Rhett Bucher Boys 1 2 4 3
Jacob Bucher Boys 1 3 2 2
Wyatt Bucher. Boys 2 9 10 7 6
Charlie Cross. Boys 3 2
Coltin Bucher Boys 3 12 6 4 3
Hunter Smith Boys 5 7 4
Joy Bucher Girls 1 4 6 5
Samantha Hoops Girls 3 2 2 2 1
Julie Mishler Girls 3 12 1 7 6
Alexis Mishler. Girls 4 1 4 9 3
Jaceb Burnish Mens 1 22 9 13 14
Neal Clark Mens 3 1
Jim Ruthrauff Mens 4 5
Jeff Cross Mens 4 7
Shane Bucher Mens 4 16 8 4 3
Stephen Cecil Mens 5 6
Kim Contos Mens 6 3
Paul Manning Mens 7 2
Don Bucher Mens 8 3 3 1 1
Roger Goings Mens MA 1
Nate Smith Open Mens 1
Briant Detty Open Mens 5
Jenna Gilbert Womens 2 3
Michelle Bucher Womens 3 1 5 2 1
Shannon Chapman Womens 3 8 4
Jill Smith Womens 3 1
Cheryl Schmitt Womens 7 2 2 2 2