Steve Plummer
2014 Hall of Fame Inductee
Steve started skiing on Lake Webster in 1965. In 1967 he joined the Ski Bees and began to show ski performing toe hold skiing on a canoe paddle, pyramid, ski around the boat, jump, 3-man barefoot, and clown acts.
In 1967 Steve skied in his first State Tournament and has competed in 47 state tournaments and counting. He joined Water Ski Inc. in 1976. He served as the IWSA president (1980-83). He has been an AWSA judge for 31 years - a Regular Scorer and Judge since 1983, and a Senior Judge since 1991. Steve has served a Chief Judge at IWSA State Tournaments and a appointed Judge at the Midwest Regionals. Steve has received credit for judging and scoring over 800 events.
Steve has participated in Slalom, Tricks, and Jump at State, Regional, and Nationals. His best finish at Regionals was a 2nd in Jump. He received the Mark Wiggs Longest Jump Award at the State tournament in 1982. He has held a few state records and has won the State Crash Helmet Award in a year he can’t remember (best crash award). He received the Rollie Williams Award in 1984.
Steve’s personal best tournament scores are 3440 in Tricks, 135 ft. in Jump, and 4 @ 32 off in Slalom. And his most unusual skiing experience is skiing behind a helicopter on Lake Tippecanoe.
Steve is the previous manager and has retired from Bart’s Water Sports, which has always been a outstanding supporter of the Indiana Water Ski Association.
In 1967 Steve skied in his first State Tournament and has competed in 47 state tournaments and counting. He joined Water Ski Inc. in 1976. He served as the IWSA president (1980-83). He has been an AWSA judge for 31 years - a Regular Scorer and Judge since 1983, and a Senior Judge since 1991. Steve has served a Chief Judge at IWSA State Tournaments and a appointed Judge at the Midwest Regionals. Steve has received credit for judging and scoring over 800 events.
Steve has participated in Slalom, Tricks, and Jump at State, Regional, and Nationals. His best finish at Regionals was a 2nd in Jump. He received the Mark Wiggs Longest Jump Award at the State tournament in 1982. He has held a few state records and has won the State Crash Helmet Award in a year he can’t remember (best crash award). He received the Rollie Williams Award in 1984.
Steve’s personal best tournament scores are 3440 in Tricks, 135 ft. in Jump, and 4 @ 32 off in Slalom. And his most unusual skiing experience is skiing behind a helicopter on Lake Tippecanoe.
Steve is the previous manager and has retired from Bart’s Water Sports, which has always been a outstanding supporter of the Indiana Water Ski Association.