THAT'S ALL FOLKS! The final Indiana tournament for the 2021 season was held Sunday, September 12th at Champion Lake. The event began with the "tricks" section due to the East/West position of the lake and "sun glare." Class "C" and "L" slalom divisions took up the rest of the day. Of course, Mother Nature decided to interject some wind into the equation! Even so, some skiers posted some "PB's" during the day. Check the "Results" section of USA Water Ski to see who skied and their scores. Thanks to the Champion Lake residents and all of the officials and workers for making this and all the year's tournaments a success. Looking forward to 2022!
The Sawmill Fall Tournament began with a "dead calm", but the wind gods appeared about 12:00 noon! The first round of class C skiers and about half of the class L skiers enjoyed excellent conditions for this past Saturday, 9-11-2021 event. The remainder of skiers dealt with varied wind challenges for the rest of the day. The wind didn't stop Nate Smith from skiing into 43 off 2 times during the tournament. There were stellar performances by several other skiers...check the "event results" on the USA Water Ski website. Thanks to all workers and officials and special note to Neal Clark and Brian Detty for supplying the two "promo" boats. The "tradition continues!" Perfect Labor Day weather blessed the annual Cindonway Shores Labor Day Tournament. The roster was loaded with youngsters tricking and slaloming on the smooth waters of Bucher Lake. Nick Rowzow saved the day by bringing his "black beauty" Mastercraft when the dedicated tow boat had timing issues. Of course, Peggy Bucher and helpers put out the usual multicourse lunch enjoyed by all on the deck overlooking the lake and events. Thanks to all the volunteers and officials who came and made the event a success. The last two Indiana Tournaments are next weekend....Sawmill on Saturday, September 11th and Sunday, September 12th at Champion Lake. |
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