The August 9th Boondocks Tournament is now on the record books. Thanks to the tournament directors and lake owner Scott Morton, this event had 7 grassroots skiers entered in part due to reduced entry fees. This event was also the last stop for the 2014 Hoosier Buoy Tour. The final tabulations are in: The Boondocks Hoosier Buoy Tour winners were 1st - Alexis Mishler, 2nd - Julie Mishler, 3rd - Scott Morton. The Hoosier Buoy Tour Season Championship was awarded to Alexis Mishler. 1st Runner Up was Scott Morton, and 2nd Runner Up was a tie going to David Marbaugh and Chris Banguis. The Hoosier Buoy Tour scoring was a handicapped system awarding a greater percentage to those skier whose performance (buoy count) increased from their first HBT event to the final. Regular tournament skiers enjoyed the hospitality of the Morton family and their beautiful facility. Several skiers got into the 38' off category and the top skier of the day was Kevin Smith with a score of 4 @ 38' off. Check for all of the official scores.
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